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Hatha Yoga. Yoga styles

Hatha Yoga

The first mention of yoga is found in the Rig-Veda and used in the sense of  "restraint, team". 

In various writings it is told about appearance of yoga at the same time as the creation of the physical world. 

According to legend the God Shiva had opened and learned the secrets of yoga in meditation and handed them for evolution as facilities for attainment of truth and freedom from illusions. In other writings Brahma makes it creating Knowledge, Yoga, Withdrawal and Tapas.

Hatha Yoga is the line of yoga which unites the first limbs of yoga from ancient times. There are ethical and moral dimensions of Yama and Niyama, Asanas, Pranayamas and Shatkarmas (purification of a body). From Sanskrit ”ha” means the Sun and “tha” means the Moon. Solar aspect symbolizes strength and activity and lunar aspect symbolizes flexibility and relaxation. 

In the Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā the author Swatmarama deciphers the term "hatha" as a combination of two bija mantras. "Tha" is prana, the life-breath and "ha" is the mind, mental energy. Hatha Yoga is the union of pranic and mental forces and their combination leads to awakening of supreme consciousness. The aim of hatha yoga is creation of absolute balance of interaction and processes of physical body, mind and energy, which provides with training to the highest limbs of yoga. Classic texts of Hatha Yoga are considered the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali, the Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā, Shiva Samhita, Gheranda Samhita and others. There are many styles of Hatha Yoga. In this article we will describe some lines of yoga which are the most famous in the west.

Ashtanga vinyasa yoga

Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, the famous disciple of Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, is the founder of Ashtanga vinyasa school. The term "Ashtanga" means "eight basics" and dates back to the eight basic principles of this type of yoga. Ashtanga vinyasa is a type of hatha yoga representing dynamic practice in which sequences of asanas run into one another through vinyasas (sequences of movements accompanied by breathing), bandhas (energy locks), drishti (concentration of view on different parts of the body). There is a certain quantity of vinyasas from five to eight for all asanas. There are about seven levels of Ashtanga vinyasa yoga depending on the difficulty level of practice. According to one view these practices came from The Himalayas and Tibet. Cool climate allowed doing dynamic practices and there was no intensive load on a heart what could happen in hot Indian part. One of the most famous dynamic complex is Sun Salutation Surya Namaskara. It combines 12 asanas with pranayama and can be performed with mantras and visualizations simultaneously. 

Iyengar Yoga

It is one of the styles of hatha yoga which was founded by Bellur Krishnamachar Sundararaja Iyengar, the disciple of Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. Iyengar had come to yoga early in life because of fragile health; his personal practice was very strict and tough. In course of time he focused on static character of yoga positions instead of power load and stamina training. So he systematized more than 200 asanas and created his own system which is methodical and gradual. A characteristic feature of this line is detailed forming of a body in asanas with various supporting materials such as props in the form of bricks, belts, rollers, blankets and so on. In this style special attention is paid to safety. Each asana is performed for a long time and the transition to next asana is made slowly and smoothly. "The most important thing in yoga is not breathing technique, knowledge of asanas or joints flexibility. The most important thing is to spread a mat and get into asanas" B.K.S. Iyengar.


It is a style of yoga proposed by T. K. V. Desikachar, the son and disciple of Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. Viniyoga (viniyogah means «application", "action") is soft and dynamic practice which is mainly referred to the area of yoga therapy. Both individual and multifaceted approach is typical for this type of yoga. The practice is prepared according to age, cultural level, physical and mental capabilities of people. In addition to the basic and compensative yoga positions the attention is paid to breathing, Vedic singing in combination with asanas, mudras, bandhas and meditations as well as learning of philosophy and yogic texts. Practice may begin both sutras learning and meditation. Viniyoga is taught individually from teacher to student depending on the set of therapeutic goals.  

Sivananda Yoga

This method of hatha yoga is developed by Swami Sivananda.
Sivananda Yoga is a classical Indian yoga based on five principles such as correct exercises, regular breathing (pranayama), correct relaxation (Shavasana pose), correct diet, correct understanding (learning of holy writings and meditation). The practice includes a body training, learning of holy writings, selfless labour, service to the world, mind control and no asceticism.

The practice begins with a set of Sun Salutation Surya Namaskara, then static asanas consisting of 12 basic poses with a certain order and variations: Sirsasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Matsiasana, Paschimottanasana, Bhujangasana, Salabhasana, Dhanurasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Bakasana, Padahastasana, Trikonasana. Difficult positions are added in the course of learning. The practice of yoga includes pranayamas, meditations and mantras singing. Strict asceticism is not welcomed in this style of yoga. Swami Sivananda was a doctor and developed his own system of exercises taking into account their deep therapeutic effect; the emphasis is on relaxation.

Bihar School of Yoga

The founder of this school is famous yogi Sri Swami Satyananda Saraswati, the disciple of Swami Sivananda and the author of over 80 books. In 1963 Satyananda Saraswati founded the Bihar School of Yoga in Munger which combined the ashram and research and development centre. It is interesting that Nalanda Buddhistic Centre of learning was taken as model. It was located in this area in the Middle Ages. In the center founded by Saraswati there are both ashram and research and development centre up to now. It receives not only Indian but also Western students. The practice of hatha yoga of the Bihar School consists of small number of asanas with therapeutic effect, pranayamas, mantras and shatkarmas with emphasis on the awakening of Kundalini and preparation of a body for Yoga Nidra. 

Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga (Kriya means "action" or "movement" from Sanskrit) appeared in ancient times and developed gradually through practice and experience. There are more than seventy kriyas in the full form of Kriya yoga and around twenty of them are well known. This method became popular by guru Lahiri Mahasaya; he got it from Mahavatar Babaji. Paramahansa Yogananda made a great contribution to the development of Kriya Yoga. 

Kriya Yoga classes include preparatory exercises of hatha yoga, perfection in mudras and bandhas which stimulate ganglia and endocrine glands, development of conscious breathing, ability to find mental ways (channels) and chakras, practice of breath, light and sound meditations. There are no restrictions for Kriya Yoga.

Sukshma Vyayama

Dhirendra Brahmachari (1925-1994) is a founder. Vyayama is translated as exercise, rotation, kneading; sukshma means “thin”. Sukshma Vyayama can be explained as exercise of delicate effect on parts of a body. The main name of exercises is vikasaka which characterizes the core of vyayama in the best possible way. Vikasaka is a work of various parts of a body, release of clamps and blocks which affect both physical and mental state. The name points to worked area: parts of a body, chakras, marmas. Vyayamas can be practiced by beginners for the purpose of smooth progress of the culture of movement, high-quality preparation for asanas and vinyasas, work of joints and ligaments, release of clamps and blocks. It can be practiced by experienced practitioners of yoga for the purpose of coordination improvement, balance development, increase of vital lung capacity, etc. For the same reasons vyayama practice can be useful for dancers and practitioners of combat sport. If it is necessary vyayama can be used as warm-up to the practice of asanas/other training or it can be 1.5-2 hours independent practice which stretches a whole body. 


It is proprietary technology of American woman Kali Ray. “Tri” means Trinity of Existence, Consciousness and Bliss (in a different manner: body, mind and spirit). It is called "meditation in motion" as well. TriYoga is a delicate practice, asanas flow one into another in time with breathing. Continuity of practice does not give a time for mind to come back to usual thinking.  There are a lot of unique exercises in the system of Kali Ray which you do not find in other yoga schools. This type of yoga pays a lot of attention to mudras (specific hand gestures, directing the flow of energy). 

Yoga for elderly people

The feature of this practice is a selection of the simplest poses. The emphasis is on tonic and relaxing asanas. Yoga instructors do not use complicated descriptions and Sanskrit names but only the simplest and figurative vocabulary. 

Yoga Nidra

Sanskrit meaning is "yoga of sleep” or the art of conscious relaxation, a borderline state of mind between wakeful state and sleep. It is the unique technology of the Bihar School developed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. Yoga Nidra was considered as the secret science but it was spread by lectures and eponymously-named book of Saraswati all over the world in 1960s of the last century. The practice is like a special meditation in fixed lying position with pranayamas and visualizations. It is supported by sankalpa (intention, affirmation) which allows achieving certain motivations and dispensing with useless habits, worries. It is often called a psychic sleep, deep relaxation with internal perception. One hour of Yoga Nidra is equal to four hours of usual sleep. 

Kundalini Yoga

It is modern line of yoga which was spread by Yogi Bhajan in the 1960s. Earlier this technique was passed from teacher to a well-deserved disciple only. There were glut of drug, alcohol and other addictions in America during Kundalini Yoga expansion. The practice of yoga had become a life saver in the issue of recovery a healthy lifestyle. A person, who has recently begun to practice Kundalini Yoga, can feel an incredible effect of energy awakening in a short period of time. The style of Kundalini Yoga is available in Russia since the 1990s of the last century. Classical hatha yoga asanas with dynamic elements united in a special consistent kriyas (actions) with intense breathing techniques, concentrations, mudras, bandhas (energy locks), mantras are used in the practice of Kundalini Yoga. 

Yoga 23

Andrew Sidersky has laid a foundation of Yoga 23 in 2003. Then the system has expanded and transformed in view of practical and theoretical developments of students and colleagues of authorial style. It includes recent development in the field of hatha yoga, martial arts, modern sports training systems, fitness, swimming and free diving. Asanas are performed with prescribed pace and rhythm of metronome. 23 matrices are the foundation of the practice. They are the basic sets of exercises in this line of yoga. All exercises are divided into five levels on a "simple-to-complex" basis. There are specialized training programs such as programs for the preparation of free-divers, elite force and even astronauts. 

Universal Yoga 

This line of yoga was founded by Ukrainian yoga master Andrey Lappa. A comprehensive system is the foundation of Universal Yoga. It includes the experience and practice of Iyengar Yoga, Tibetan Himalayan Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga in conjunction with the authorial individual methods. Yoga classes are balanced practice which combines classical static and dynamic asanas and complexes (Surya Namaskara, Chandra Namaskara, Dance of Shiva), pranayamas, mantras singing, mudras, drishti and psychoenergetic methods for audio and visual channels control. Universal Yoga has no inflexible and unchanged schemes and restrictions which are obligated for all practitioners. Each instructor can modify a practice in his/her own way in accordance with individual purposes. A practice should be free and conscious. 

Ishvara Yoga

Anatoly Zenchenko is a founder. The name Ishvara comes from the Sanskrit word Isvara and means “Internal Teacher”, “Spirit”, holy shape which does not have outward appearance. The practice of asanas is performed from up to down from head to feet and from the bottom upwards from feet to head controlling every part of a body. The emphasis is on symmetry of a body; students do pranayamas and meditation practices after reaching a certain physical level. Special attention is paid to relaxation even in difficult poses. A. Zenchenko says this type of yoga allows practitioners to listen their spirit and find an "Internal Teacher" forming individual practice. 

Yoga therapy

It is a system of health recovery and prevention of human diseases. Asanas, pranayamas, different options of meditations, special diets, shatkarmas serve as a tool. Yoga therapy as a branch of science was effectively developed in the twentieth century in India and then all over the world. Swami Sivananda (a doctor by training) has promoted Yoga and Yoga therapy. Yoga therapy is recommended for any problems with a body starting with flat feet and ending with intervertebral hernia. Asanas affect much deeper than therapeutic exercises because they are performed on the psycho-physiological level while physical exercises perform only external effect. That is why yoga therapy is used for medical diseases as well and it can help to harmonize a psychoemotional state. Classes are held slowly and consist of long static fixations and easy pranayamas.

Proper treatment of spinal column

This method includes asanas which aimed to preservation and promotion of spinal column health. It can be described as stretching, strengthening, and relaxing. Spinal column is stretched by muscles around. Strengthening means effect on segments of spinal column by using asanas as well as increasing elasticity and flexibility of vertebral articulations. As a result a trophism of surrounding tissues is improved including ligaments, muscles and intervertebral discs. Relaxing is based on the contemplation of spinal column position during asanas practice and period of relaxation. Focus of attention and consciousness are the key factors of successful practice.  Besides, the key exercises in the method of proper treatment of spinal column are concurrence of asanas and breath and the practice of kumbhaka: Sahita and Kevala.

Sri Sri Yoga

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is founder of this line of yoga. Sri Sri Yoga is a modern style of hatha yoga united with Jnana-yoga (path of knowledge), Bhakti yoga (path of devotion) and Karma yoga (path of self-denying action). Classes supplement other practices and do not conflict with any beliefs. This method combines asanas, meditations and rhythmic breathing techniques Sudarshan Kriya. Practice is divided into basic and advanced courses. Regular practices provide with stable flexibility, strengthen the body, calm the mind and develop consciousness. 

Svastha Yoga

It is a permissive style of hatha yoga which was founded by A. G. Mohan, the disciple of Sri T. Krishnamacharya. This style is based on yoga therapy and Ayurvedic practice. It combines detailed performance of asanas, static poses, dynamic vinyasas (Vinyasa Krama), bandhas (energy locks), and focuses on compensative postures.

Perinatal yoga

This line of yoga is for women who are planning to become pregnant or expecting a baby. The practice is adapted to the period of child-bearing from preparation for fetation to the first few months after birth. A medical worker – anthropologist of Cambridge University and yoga therapist Francoise Freedman became the first specialist who turned the attention to the importance of adaptation of yoga practice to motherhood and the necessity to consider this process in details. In her studies she used knowledge of medicine, midwifery, psychology, ayurveda, yoga and world anthropological studies of childbearing. Permanent part of yoga for pregnant women is work with muscles of the pelvic floor which helps to prepare the parturient canals. The emphasis is on physical, emotional and spiritual needs of a pregnant woman. Easy dynamic exercises produce health improvement effect of mother and child general condition, lead to flexibility and mobility. Women study simple techniques of relaxation, special breathing practices, singing of mantras. Such practices help to control emotions and make a childbearing easier.


It is the modern style of yoga which was founded by Jason Nemer and Jenny Saur-Klein. They established their school in the United States at the beginning of the XXI century. AcroYoga is a paired practice which unites hatha yoga exercises, acrobatics and healing. In class one partner acts as a support, other changes asanas in the air. Acro-yoga can be practiced not only in a pair but also alone or three. The main secret of acro-yoga is not in the power of athlete but in the right balance. Creators call this original style of acro-yoga "school of air flight". They developed two systems at once: therapeutic and sports acrobatic. Acro-yoga has become a favorite hobby for students in North and Latin America in as little as few years after its creation. 

Bikram Yoga 

It is a proprietary methodology of yogi Bikram Choudhury. Classes are held in heated rooms under the conditions of tropical climate with a temperature of 37-40 degrees and high humidity of 40%. It is the main feature of this line of yoga. The practice is represented by dynamic sequence of 26 hatha yoga postures and two breathing exercises. Fixation of position in one asana continues less than a minute. Dynamic practice of Bikram Yoga and high temperature facilitate a hidrosis and elimination of toxins and wastes from the body. 


Samayoga or Dervish yoga originates in ancient Eastern teachings based on the knowledge of yoga, Taoist and Sufi philosophical schools. Classes are based on a certain structure and consist of meditation, stretching, coordination of movements, dances, Arcanas (specific postures), relaxation. A fundamental element of practice is the attention to your gestures, movements, body position, your breathing, thoughts. Samayoga can be practiced by people of all ages. 


Classes are held in special hammocks, fastened to ceiling or horizontal bar. Yoga in hammocks gives additional opportunities to perform asanas easier, such as deflections, stretching, somersaults and inverted positions. Before FLY-yoga class you should see a doctor because there are some serious contraindications. In this case the practice is performed according to individual program approved by an instructor. 

Vinyasa Flow Yoga

It is one the line of hatha yoga. Vinyasa is a "connection of breath and movement", "breathing and motional system of exercises". Practice in the style of Vinyasa Flow is a seamless transition from one pose to another using vinyasa (dynamic connections between asanas) which are connected with breathing.

Vinyasa Flow Yoga stands out from Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga for the absence of well-defined sequences. Asanas can be performed in no particular order keeping continuous motions and breathing during the practice.

The sequence is made as “waves” combining tension and relaxation. Continuity of practice brings awareness of each motion, without the distractions on the mental vanity. Regular practice makes a body stronger and younger, develops concentration, awakens the ability to manage internal energy (prana). 

Yantra Yoga

"Yantra" is a Sanskrit word which can mean "geometric shape" such as mandala; but translated from Tibetan "yantra" (Tib. trulkor) means "movement of a body." Yantra Yoga is an ancient system of Tibetan yoga which includes a series of physical exercises performed in a certain strict rhythm and breathing, techniques of concentration. Founder of Yantra Yoga is deemed to be Mahasiddha Humkara who imparted the knowledge to Guru Padmasambhava while the latter imparted the knowledge to Tibetan yogi Vairocana in the VIII century in Tibet. There are numerous Yantra systems related to various Buddhist tantric teachings, but Yantra Yoga is the only one system which is spreaded in the West at the present time. From the beginning of the 1970s the Tibetan teacher Namkhai Norbu educates people about Yantra Yoga. 

In this line of yoga certain body motions combined with breathing and rhythm are called yantras which are similar to classical asanas of hatha yoga but the way of their performance is significantly different. The complete system of Vairocana Yantra Yoga consists of 108 elements - yantras and pranayamas. There are preliminary, main and completive practices in this system. As a result the life energy is harmonized and allows the mind to find a calm state, which is usually called contemplation.

Radjadhiradja Yoga

Translated from Sanskrit Radjadhiradja Yoga means “king of kings”, Raja or king is the mind, and “king of kings” defines the soul or atman, the individual consciousness. This line of yoga appeared about 2,000 years ago and Maharishi Ashtavakra is considered to be the founder. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti is a restorer of this practice. Monks (acharya-sannyasins) provide with the education in tradition of Radjadhiradja Yoga depending on the individual characteristics of students. Characteristic features are performance of asanas in special regime of breathing as well as a mental repetition of Ishta Mantra (personal mantra received from acharya), relaxation after each asana combining the concentration at higher chakras (usually Anahata or Ajna).

Yoga school of Victor Boyko

The proprietary technology of Victor Boyko was created in 2000. The main directions of the school are yoga therapy and technics of deep relaxation. Everyone practices according to individual program which is constantly updated. Group classes are held no more than once a week but it is recommended to practice every day at home. In the yoga school of Victor Boyko asanas are performed in a quiet static rhythm and in details. Great emphasis is on full relaxation and Yoga Nidra is applied as well. 

Yuddha Yoga

It means "Yoga of battle", an ancient Lao system of yoga which came from the eastern combat system Kung Fu. This line of yoga has the form of 49 dynamic complexes of hatha yoga exercises for the development and harmonization of all systems of the body, removal of stress and blocks, rehabilitation at the physical and mental levels. Special emphasis is on spinal column and the lower back. In Yuddha Yoga there are various principles of breathing (abdominal type breathing) and meditations, exercises for obtaining extraordinary powers, yoga dreams, and systems of higher Kung Fu.

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga harks back to traditional hatha yoga and Taoist practice. Long passive fixation in asanas with complete relaxation is feature of this method. During a class the muscles develop and strengthen, joints stay soft and flexible and it allows relaxing deep layers of connective tissue. Yin Yoga is like a session of needle therapy which is conducted independently. In a class the sequences are also aimed to the development of certain energy channels (known as nadi in yoga, and as meridians in Chinese medicine). It serves to the improvement of internal parts of a body and the immune system as well as the emotional state. 

Tripsichore yoga

It is a style of hatha yoga which was founded by master of modern ballet Edward Clark. Tripsichore yoga is named after the cognominal dance group. In the practice Edward used methods of Ashtanga Yoga to prepare dancers. It is how a new type of yoga was created. Tripsichore yoga includes the principles of vinyasa (sequences of exercises), elements of dance, Ujjayi breathing. Practices are built on a "simple-to-complex" basis, but you have to be in good trim to perform sequences. 

Qi-Yo Multiversal yoga

It is a type of yoga which unites Chi Kung, Tai Chi and Bali practices with traditional Vedic yoga. Qi-Yo is one of form of theosophic yoga which breaks the tether of eastern or western spiritual practices. It is a method of self-cognition which is neither eastern nor western, it is universal. Qi-Yo Multiversal yoga includes different lines of yoga such as hatha yoga, bhakti, jnana, karma, mantra, laya, yantra, and raja. Also the practice includes Chi Kung, pranayama, asanas, chanting, visualization, meditations and things. 


Proprietary technology of SunShineYoga was developed by Anastasia Kuznechikova. "This type of yoga is designed for residents of metropolis who do not have the opportunity to get energy from the sun which is why "lunar" (dilation passive or dark) side of a personality dominates, and as a result fatigue and depression appear". SunShineYoga includes easy but effective asanas practice of different levels of complexity, dynamic vinyasas, pranayamas, visualizations, and work with energy flows, meditations. Much attention is paid to the awareness in working with energy. 

STI yoga

It is a proprietary technology of Ana Shane. This style of yoga is based on cycles or sets of asanas aimed to working out certain ground of muscles. STI yoga consists of 12 authorial sequences oriented to punctual safety bodywork: SETU BANDHA means arch of a body; BALANCE - no comments; HANUMAN CYCLE is cross seat; SAMAKONA is circle split; SUPTA is lying yoga, inverted asanas; PADMA - lotus; WARRIOR - virasanas, virabhadrasanas including the sensitivity of feet; lower balances; ARMUS - dilation of humeral and thoracic sections; RAJAKA - easiness in arches and flexibility in pelvis joints; PARIVRITA - the correct approach to twist; BUDDHA – leg behind a head. 

Shadow yoga

Shandor Remete is the founder of Yoga Shadow school. It is one of the approaches to hatha yoga which deals with restrictions (block, habits) of a physical body as layers of frozen shadows. A body breaks free of these restrictions and a mind breaks free of layers of existence through dynamic sequences of exercises in the proposed sequences (4 in all), breathing techniques and bandhas.  Shadow yoga is a synthesis of essential techniques and exercises of traditional Hatha Yoga and internal martial arts. Also it uses provisions of "marmastans" (the science of 108 vital points of the body), the science of "nadi" (thin channels) and "Vayu" (the main winds).

Power Yoga

Beryl Bender Birch is the founder of this style. The foundation of the school is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. In 1995 Beryl offered her own view of yoga as a tool for body development. It is an effective system of exercises which does not pay attention to the spiritual aspect of the practice. Power Yoga is one of the young styles uniting dynamics and statics through vinyasa, relaxation, concentration, balance and breathing techniques, meditation, yoga nidra. By contrast with methods of Pattabhi Jois this line of yoga offers a variation of sequences, shorter sets, simpler asanas performance, and deficiency of ujjayi - bandha-Drishti. 

Slim yoga

Ksenya Tishko is the founder of this style. Slim yoga is a special practice of hatha yoga which combines diaphragm breathing along with bandhas. Kriyas and pranayamas, asanas and dynamic sets of exercises, meditations, mantra Om are used during the classes.

Appropriate yoga

It is a modern method made by Sergei Agapkin. Appropriate yoga referred to yoga therapy which combines the traditional yoga practice and achievements of modern medicine and science. This line of yoga uses in practice the knowledge and experience of traditional yoga schools. The basis of this style is detailed performance of asanas in the tradition of B.K.S. Iyengar supplemented by the principles of svastha - yoga of A.G. Mohan, a wide range of dynamic practices according to tradition of D. Brahmachari and relaxation. Classes are performed sequentially including yoga therapy, sukshma vyayama, pranayamas, meditations, yoga nidra. 

Apnea yoga

Alexander Dudov is the founder of this method. Apnea yoga (translated from the Greek “apnea” means "calm", "without breath") is a modern training system which combines the ancient yoga technics, Chi Kung, different sport and fitness training as well as methods of freedivers preparation. System breath holding and attention control during asanas performance are characteristic features of this modern style of yoga. 


It is the method of Ilya Dunaevsky. Kaula-Yoga is a modern line of yoga developed on the basis of Eastern schools of yoga and modern development of Western science. Classes are divided into levels, combine easy dynamic practices of asanas and vinyasas, long static hold of energy locks, full yogic breathing, practices of yantra, mantra and gong meditation, free shamanic dances. 

Aishwarya Yoga

Aishwarya yoga (translated from Sanskrit it means "Divine Yoga") is a discipline transmitted by Sri Tathata. Group integrated practice consists of asanas, pranayamas, meditations, chanting mantras and bhajans. Aishwarya yoga is the path of Raja Yoga. Concentration and self-searching are tools for self-understanding in this line of yoga. 

Freedom yoga

It is a proprietary technology of Ludmila Krivtsova. Freedom yoga is a multifaceted approach and method of working with a body and a spirit which connects different practices of single and paired yoga wave gymnastics, as well as elements of dance, contact improvisation, kundalini yoga and others. Exercises are oriented to the development of sensitivity and flexibility and allow quickly and easily remove the tension in the body. 

Open Yoga

The style of Open Yoga School is based on the unique approach that is a help people to find their own way to the correct performance of exercises and practices. Open Yoga School believes that a criterion of correct asanas performance is the inner sense of harmony and experience of joy during the practice. The practice of Open Yoga consists of kriya yoga, hatha yoga, and other types of yoga, pranayamas, mantras, vinyasa yoga, raja yoga, yoga visualizations, and meditations. During the practice a yoga teacher helps to find a position thanks to which you relax maximally and experience the joy of yoga practice. Austerities are inadmissible.

The article by Valentina Ulyankina, hatha yoga teacher
Illustrated by Yuliya Sergeeva