Many celebrities famous actors, musicians, and professional athletes do yoga. Celebrities love that yoga gives them a chance to focus and be still. Here is a list of 12 celebrities who do yoga.
Demi Moore is 52 years old actress that looks outrageous thanks to yoga. She also has a well-balanced diet that consist of raw vegan, organic vegetables, greens, fruits, smoothies, and soups. Demi takes Pilates and yoga; and says her physique has never looked better. Demi’s secret in anti-aging is to work out because the muscle builds strength and strength reduces stress.
Madonna is 50 years old actress/singer that looks dazzling due to Ashtanga yoga, which is a dynamic ancient form of yoga. She has been practicing since 1996, and says that Ashtanga yoga consist of six difficult postures, which are held in length of 90 minutes to three hours, each. This is a more advanced level because you need strength, coordination, balance, and flexibility. She explained that there are different levels to this type of Yoga which start in an intermediate level to advanced, depending on the person’s ability to advance.
Julia Roberts is a 48 year old actress that looks fantastic thanks to practicing Pratyahara yoga, a more advanced type of yoga, which means “sense withdrawal.” Julia expressed that it is one of the eight limbs of ethical yoga, which is known as Ashtanga yoga. Before beginning to perform this yoga, she expressed that one should take five to fifteen minutes of breathing exercise, to help free the mind. This type of yoga is based on eight principles which involve rapid, intense poses, breathing, tingling, pulsating, and from moving the physical to a meditative state.
Jennifer Aniston is a 41 year old actress that looks fascinating for her age, due to hybrid and traditional yoga poses. She expressed that she does yoga 15 minutes a day and incorporates it into her daily extensive exercise, that have helped tone her legs and build her six-pack abs. She expressed how good it was for the body, mind, and soul. Although, Jennifer, has been exercising for years, she said “yoga is the most challenging workout she has ever tried.”
Heather Graham is an exquisite 44 year old actress that uncovered the foundation of her youth by practicing yoga. Heather has been practicing yoga for 30 years, at times up to four hours a day. She said the secret to her diet and fitness tips are to perform more yoga in your daily workout, however, she expressed that working-out was stressful compared to yoga because it was relaxing and calming.
Russell Brand is a 40 year old inspiring actor, he has been practicing kundalini yoga and meditation for years. “Kundalini yoga is the science to unite the finite with infinity, and it’s the art to experience infinity in the finite.” Yogi Bhajan. Kundalini is a form of yoga to our bodies and minds, it has an uplifting spirit effect. It is good for people that have a lot of stress, daily challenges, raising families, and it is also said to help cope successfully in peoples’ challenges.
Colin Farrell is a 38 year old fascinating actor that loves to work out and do yoga on the regular basis. Colin likes to think that he has gained his good looks and stunning body from ritual exercising and yoga. He found his passion when he found yoga and said it caught his attention, instantaneously. He said, “it takes you out of your head for a while and just puts you back into your body, it’s simply just fun.”
Robert Downey, Jr.is a 50 year old exquisite actor that started doing yoga because it helped him reach a mental and spiritual balance. He expressed that life is hard, Robert has come a long way, from a road to recovery and it helped him with his addictions. Robert made the cover of Men’s fitness, where he spoke about famous yogi he met. E.g., Vinnie Marino. He expressed how he found a spiritual balance in yoga.
Charlize Theron is a 40 year old gorgeous actress that practices yoga and addicted to spinning classes. She takes yoga twice a week with legend Vinnie Marino, a man The New York Times called the yoga king of Los Angeles. Charlize is an imperator furioso, imperator and arm-balances, she does a lot of upper body strength training and yoga inversions. Her reasons in getting in shape is to simply look fabulous.
Melanie Griffith is a 57 year old admirable actress that practices limb-bending yoga in Los Angeles. After separating from her husband she wanted to start a new life. She has dedicated her life to yoga and expressed that the body is the temple. Although, Melanie has gone through a lot with her divorce and making movies, she said she does not give up on yoga, it keeps her happy and joyful. “life is good.”
Kate Hudson is a 35 year old actress that is into fruits, Pilates, dance, workouts, and yoga. She is known for her six-pack abs, from years of working out. She has a routine in fitness and eating, she expressed that she motivates herself in doing daily exercise. Kate said people are hung up on relationships, work, kids and don’t find the time to exercise, and says anyone that gets on a treadmill is just going to feel better.
Drew Barrymore is a 40 year old gracious actress that did yoga when she was pregnant, she likes to see it as a healthy regime in welcoming her child. Drew expressed that the foundation of yoga is really practicing the balance of the body, mind, and spirit. Drew thinks people shouldn’t just give yoga one day try, all yoga classes are different and the right one is there for you. Yoga helps many aspects in life and simply getting in shape.