- Recently I had such a situation: I’m laying on my back relaxed. And suddenly there is a feeling as if someone is touching me…
- Stop these feelings immediately! Run away vampire essences, incubi and succubi – that, to whom they stuck, becomes dependent. As a result you have energetic, emotional and physical degradation…
- Is it really so dangerous?
- Ethiopians have a saying: “When woman sleeps alone, the devil is thinking about her.”
- Not only thinking but acting.
- Some ladies agree themselves. In Paris, they say, there were special clubs where they were calling daemons actively and had relationships with evil spirits.
- What kind of relationships?
- Sometimes fleshly. Dissolute daemons, who came to women in the form of men, were called incubus…
- What a strange word?
- It came from latin “that who lays from above”. By the way, “incubator” – that who broods, also came from this word.
- … and women daemons who attended men - succubi
- “That who lays from below”?
- Of course. At that time people often saw: a woman is laying back – and suddenly black steam is rising around her…
- One of the signs of succubus attack – especially deep sleep of possible witnesses. Incubus doesn’t show their face as a rule, as they look disgusting.
- Who are they, succubi and incubi?
- Churchmen considered them to be envoys of the devil.
- But who is devil?
- An evil spirit.
- And what is spirit? Neither religion nor science explains it…
- Probably, someone of the inhabitants of non-material world, where there is no space and time.
- Daemons don’t exist at all, it is just self-hypnosis at the moment of transition into the state of trance.
- It is also possible… If we look from the position of psychiatry.
- Can people bring children from evil spirits?
- In old days unusual children were supposed to be born from incubi, for example fat children. They even reported about children with wolf head or goat legs…
- A woman from Kirov told me a story. It was in 1986. Her husband was sleeping when she heard an unfamiliar male voice, someone stroked her, kissed, and she felt strong elastic body… And she was like paralyzed, hands and legs were out of control. It happened with her many times. Once she asked in her head: “Show your face”.
- And what did she see?
- A freak – with thorns, fiery face, the eyes were burning. When she became pregnant, she ordered not to importune with her anymore. And then he shouted: “Don’t hope too much, this is not your husband’s child, he is mine!”
- A lady from Ufa had such a case. When she was 23, on the Christmas eve her sister persuaded her to practice spiritualism. They called the spirit of loving story-teller together, who died before this. Later, using pendulum and alphabet, she invited him again and again. And once the spirit didn’t go away as usual, but stayed. Further she realized: some evil spirit came to her as her love. When she went to bed, he described her pleasant erotic pictures, persuaded her, sometimes terrified… And the woman gave in. And she became pregnant, though she had no intimacy with men for the last eighteen months.
“A friend”
- Why are talking about women so much? Do men have similar situations?
- Yes, but ten times less.
- An ancient legend tells us about a beautiful girl, who promised a young man wealth and help. He spent every night with her – and soon he became a cardinal, archbishop an finally Pope Sylvester II.
- This pope is really famous, he led the Church from 999 till 1003. He was also a great scientist of this period.
- Succubi are servants of the Devil, who took the features of beautiful women, but with sharp-clawed feet and membranous wings.
- Or it happens that ugly witches, who drink vitality of their lovers, come. They are invisible as a rule. This is a passage from recent letter from Moscow: ”Sometimes I feel a light shake of my bed, something rolls under the blanket, which starts to float over me”. This is a “friend”. She caresses me with air touches. I throw away my blanket sharply and repeat this seven times: “Don’t touch me!” Everything stops, but an hour after it starts again. And it repeats three-four times a night. During 19 years…”
- By the way, this term is being actively studied by the ufologist Gennadiy Belimov from Volzhsky town, he even published a book: “Na svjazi - inye miry”.
- He also has another one – “Closeness with aliens. Secrets of contacts of the sixth sort”. It was published in Moscow in 2005.
- Сontacts of the sixth sort? What’s this?
- According to the UFO terminology it means sexual…
- With whom?
- Nobody knows it. Maybe with aliens, maybe with creatures from parallel world.
- Such phenomena were explained as psychological defects for a long time.
- But a large amount of facts doesn’t let doubt…
- This is a story told by the Belimov.
…She felt her first presence when she was 17. And just when she was 19, at night, coolness and goose bumps creep on her skin. She feels steps, a bed forces, someone is getting closer to her back so that she doesn’t see him. And then she feels the weight of usual large man, and torpor masters her. And pleasure is much higher than down-to-earth one.
- It’s just her dream!
- It’s unlikely to be a dream. Otherwise noise, a creak of the bed, a breath didn’t occur. Her body was cool, but if he kisses in ear, it becomes like frozen, loses sensitivity. After night “dates” a woman loses a lot of energy and gets up weak.
- And how often does it happen?
- She says either once a week, or once a month. Even when she moved in another town, “relationships” didn’t stop.
- Is it clear whence did this creature occur?
- Probably from astral world…