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How to inspire others to vegetarianism?

How to inspire others to vegetarianism?

Compassion for animals is so natural to us
that only instillation can bring us to the ruthlessness
to the suffering and death of animals.

L.N. Tolstoy

If you have long been a vegetarian and had considerably strengthened in your beliefs, that is not possible you have to just face the moral dilemma - whether or not to promote the vegetarian lifestyle to the masses. Question complex and unequivocal answer here is difficult to give. Some of you are ardent defenders of the animals, supporting the preservation of all living beings. Others believe that the best option to promote "herbivore" power - it's a personal example. A thirds do not try to focus attention on their vegetarianism, believing that it is exclusively a private matter, and the probability of failure of animal food to a greater extent due to the good karma. However, no matter what position in this matter, you are not stuck, there is always the opportunity to contribute to the popularization of vegetarianism. And this does not necessarily put a lot of effort.

Message choice

Suppose you do decide to inspire others to vegetarianism. What to do? Where to begin? You can certainly act radically, as does one of my friends. When meeting new people, non-vegetarian, she immediately recommended (and sometimes require) them to go to the slaughterhouse. And often it is done in a fairly aggressive manner and with great pressure. It is not surprising that after such talks people shun her, and try to go to the other side of the road to evade a meeting with her. Such a method of "inspiration" is rarely effective, resulting often only have the opposite effect. Therefore before recommending someone to switch to a vegetarian way of eating, it is necessary to better understand this issue, finding out what motivations lead people to abandon animal food.

No doubt the two main motivations pushing people towards vegetarianism are animal welfare and health care. However, there is some separation. Usually a person who cares about animals are often up to 30 years, the health issue - it is the main motivation for those who are 45 and more. In addition, concern about health beyond all doubt is the main argument for reducing the consumption of meat, or the exclusion of certain products of animal origin by semi-vegetarian. It is those semi-vegetarians who eat less meat diet for reasons of health care, we are now obliged to drop the lion's share of meat consumption in the world. Of course, we would like to make the most drawn, above all, attention to the ethical side of the issue, focusing on killing animals rather than on their own health. However, human refusal only on any one kind of animal food - is in itself an important event, which may be the first step. And as noted, many vegetarians, ultimately, still take ethical considerations of giving up meat when do it by health motives. Therefore, if we want the largest possible number of people reduced their consumption of meat, it makes sense to promote the benefits of vegetarianism for health. The first step is to speak as often as possible on the favorable impacts of the animal food: weight reduction, lowering the risks of heart disease and cancer, increase energy, etc. Here, it is desirable to bring research results and opinions of doctors, nutritionists and scientists. Through these sources the public with far greater confidence react to this information and respond accordingly.

Animal protection.
Many activists of vegetarianism believe that the declining human to abandon animal food is best to appeal to self-interest, namely to focus on the health benefits of vegetarianism. They are often embarrassed to talk about how the cattle industry treats animals, believing that such talk will put people in a defensive or humiliating situation. In fact sometimes it can happen, but it does not mean that the subject of protection of animals should be avoided altogether. Here, everything depends solely on the willingness to talk like the person you are trying to persuade him to vegetarianism. Caring for animals - this is one of the two main reasons why people become vegetarians. And for young people most prone to failure from the meat age group it is the main reason at all. If only future research can prove otherwise, about enormity of livestock industry - this is the most inspiring message to refuse meat. Therefore underscore the cruelty to animals only add efficiency work activists vegetarianism.

If you ask people about the main reason that they have become vegetarians, at best, only 10% mentioned care for the environment. Most simply do not see the relationship of ecology and vegetarianism. Meanwhile, more and more often in recent years, scientists and environmentalists argue that the livestock industry is becoming the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, and a major cause of water pollution. According to them, today the largest number of agricultural emissions come from the production of beef and mutton. So for 150 gr. Of beef produced as much carbon dioxide as is necessary for the production of 32 servings of spaghetti, seven glasses of milk, 205 apples and 53 servings of vegetables. It is expected that by 2050 the share of production of beef and mutton will account for half of all agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. These figures seem to be convincing, but many are still skeptical about the idea of climate change. According to a survey of US and Europe, only 50% of respondents said that they believe in the existence of climate change and anthropogenic factor that determines it. Similar results mostly connected with the fact that many people simply do not have experienced these changes themselves. But it is only a matter of time. Therefore, in the coming years, environmental part can become much more powerful in terms of motivation of people to give up meat.

Social justice.
Another message, which is to adopt a vegetarian activists - is a matter of social justice and world hunger. And if you're curious, what is the relationship between meat consumption and world hunger, the fact is that livestock eats a lot of grain, and as rising meat consumption increases and a shortage of grain. Accordingly, the prices of these crops are grown, which affects low-income citizens, as cheap grain are often their only source of food. In addition, for the cultivation of fodder huge area of land used for livestock. But these lands can be operated much more efficiently if they grow corn, beans and other vegetables.

Well, the last argument, which also do not forget - the taste preferences. It turns out that the flavor component is no less important than the environment, when it comes to the motivation to become a vegetarian. And the thing is that for some people a key role in changing the type of food plays an aversion type, odor or taste of meat. One study showed that the image of raw meat is disgusting and refusal to use it as a finished product. And if the person says the name of the animal, of which it supposedly once was, aversion increases.

Inspiration methods

Having dealt with the motivations and determine, which message more suited to a particular person, it is worth thinking about how to inspire. The simplest option - it is a personal example. The story about the pros and cons of vegetarianism on their own experience of life without meat, as well as familiarity with other "herbivores" - all this will help a person to become better acquainted with this topic and get rid of some of the fears and stereotypes. This will allow to make sure in real life that vegetarianism has long been the norm for many people’s lifestyle. Even though personal example - is an effective tool, not for each it affects. People are different, everyone looks at things through their ideological prism, each has its own concepts and views, respectively, and selection of information will be purely individual. Someone enough example of others, and some will think, just hearing the opinion of an authoritative person - a scientist, a doctor, a famous athlete or artist. Another, in order to decide on the rejection of animal food, no need to read dozens of books on the subject, and someone just by looking only one film about the suffering of animals will dramatically change their views. There are results of the survey of 2012, according to which more than 40% of vegetarians said that went on this way of eating through whatever media, in the book "To eat or not to eat" by american authors Heverstoka and Forgeyza. And I think that today this figure even more. The development of the Internet has helped make available a wealth of information for millions of people, and the exchange rate made it possible to send large amounts of information from one point to another planet in seconds. And if we want someone to inspire to reject animal food, you should use all available sources: literature, video, media, etc. It is only taking advantage of the entire spectrum of possible means to turn attract more potential vegetarians.

Books - this is one of the oldest and most reliable sources of information. And no matter how much we do not talk about mosaic thinking and falling interest in literature, the book continues to be the main carrier of knowledge. Recently, there was a lot of literature on vegetarianism. Among them are not only translations of foreign authors, but also books of Russian writers. And the theme is very diverse publications. Probably the biggest amount of literature, affecting the questions of vegetarianism, health concerns. Here are books that attempt to justify scientific rejection of animal food (T. Campbell, K. Campbell "Forks over Knives. A simple way to health", "Chinese study. The results of a large-scale study on the relationship of nutrition and health," P. Luciano "Children are vegetarians") and the recommendations of nutritionists (D. Graham "80/10/10 diet" L. Nixon "plant-based diet. Say" yes "to your health"), and instructions on cleansing the body (M. Ohanian "Golden rules natural medicine "). Popular in recent years has become a literature on vegetarian cooking (O. Masterpiece "Vegetarianism. Best Recipes" M. McCartney "FOOD. Vegetarian cuisine Home"), as well as raw food diet (A. Ter-Avanesyan "raw food diet", Mikhailov " Raw food diet "). A lot of literature even are more serious, which under the theme of vegetarianism affected by issues such as animal welfare, environmental problems and the psychology of carnivores (D. Safran Foer "meat. Eating Animals», M. Joy "Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Nosim Skins Cows. Introduction Karnizm ", B. and D." Vegan-freak "Torres). Finally, such an important topic as the relationship of faith, religion and vegetarianism, and here, too, there is something to read (S. Rosen "Vegetarianism in world religions," F. Kapleau Rosie "Diet mercy. Buddhism and vegetarianism").

There are results of an interesting study in the article "Influence of Television on nutrition and behavior," by Professor, University of Pennsylvania (USA) C. Byrd-Bredbenner. The authors of this study decided to find out whether the hero of the animated series can inspire children to vegetarianism. We are talking about Lisa Simpson - one of the most famous vegetarian cartoon characters in the world. The series "The Simpsons" has been on the screen for more than 25 years, and not containing meat Lisa diet more than once became the central theme of the plurality of series. It all started with an episode in which Lisa decides to go on a vegetable diet after befriends a lamb in a petting zoo. In the course of the experiment showed a series of animated series and nine-year-old girl, that it had not looked. Then they were asked about what they think about vegetarianism. It turned out that after watching the cartoon girls become more willing to believe that with the use of meat that is wrong, rather than before. They were also 10% more inclined to vegetarianism. This example shows how effective may be a movie in the inspiration of people to vegetarianism. Of course, there are not so many colorful characters-vegetarians as Lisa Simpson in the movies. However, the growth of vegetarianism in popularity in the world pushes the creators of feature films to raise this issue, periodically giving his characters as a "grazing" (Mila "Beautiful green" Phoebe Buffay "Friends" Sarah "Sweet November," Aang "Avatar: The Last Airbender") . But all the innuendo in matters of vegetarianism in the film more than compensates for a documentary film. The approach to the consecration of the subject is very diverse. Vegetarianism in terms of health ( "Forks over Knives", "Super Size Me", "Children of vegetarians: reality or myth?"), The protection of animals ( "Earthlings", "Hamburger unvarnished"), environmental issues ( "House of History. travel "," save the planet "," The Passion of the meat ") and religion (" Animals and the Buddha "). Many recently appeared lectures on a vegetarian diet. And here it is possible to note a lecture vegan movement activist Gary Yourofsky, Dr. Oleg Torsunova and club teachers.

 In October 2015 the world's media at the same time issued a "sensational" news - eating meat leads to the emergence of cancer. The theory, which has long been discussed by many scientists, suddenly, in one moment turned out to virtually all media in the world. Why would it suddenly? As it turned out, the source of information was the World Health Organization, which was announced in the annual report the results of their research. The emergence of the news in the newspapers and on TV - it's a rare case when the topic of giving up meat and transition to vegetarian food gets into the media. Most of the television channels and newspapers have long imposed a taboo on this subject, and if seriously and discuss the rejection of animal food, only in terms of a temporary diet and not more. Usually, vegetarians are represented in the media by some eccentric, and very vegetarian - dangerous and not fully understood phenomenon. And this should not be surprising, everything is easy and simple to explain. Any media (if it is not owned by the state) is a commercial enterprise, and the goal of any business - profit. That has to fulfill customer requests (the viewer or reader), giving him only one item (information), which he likes. But from such unpopular how vegetarianism, it is better to stay away. Himself the more will come. But not everything is as bad as it seems. With the growing popularity of vegetarianism in society appear and specialized media. In foreign countries, these publications have a lot of ( «VegNews Magazine», «Vegetarian Times», «Vegan Magazine», «Animal People Magazine», «Vegetarian Living»), while only a few ( «Vegetarian» in Russia, «Go-veg »,« Veganway »). But in addition to print and online editions there are a number of groups and pages on social networks about vegetarianism ( "first vegetarian ',' I am a vegetarian", "Vegetarianism and raw food"), which also easily can be attributed to the media. And about a year ago, Russia launched and Wikipedia dedicated to vegetarianism ( «VegWiki»). A good source of information are also portals and publications about yoga. And here is «» website appears a shining example of this portal, because it contains a considerable amount of material on the subject. 

Key recommendations

Finally here are a few useful recommendations for vegan education. These recommendations are based on the general socio-psychological research and have been published in the book Nick Cooney "Veganomika". Hopefully, these tips will help you succeed in the inspiration of others to vegetarianism.

• Write educational articles by a simple language so even school student can understand. It will help people to understand easily and remember the information.

• Use stories about specific animals or humans. Such stories sink into memory and consciousness are better than facts and figures.

• Use the messsages of "social norms." Talk about the fact that millions of people have become vegetarians and people eating less and less meat, year after year. Mention of celebrities who have become vegetarians. Messages of social norms is extremely effective in changing the behavior of people.

• Use universally appealing images are physically fit and happy people, which is very good by the fact that they are vegetarians. Studies show that such images do promise more inspiring. Depicting vegetarian men are very brave to break down stereotypes.

• Communicate vegetarianism with universal values shared by your audience. These values may include patriotism, freedom, religious beliefs, self-improvement and the pursuit of happiness.

• Specify that the rejection of meat - is a personal choice that people make themselves. They are more likely to change when the stresses of their freedom of choice.

• Use quotations from the work of doctors, scientists, veterinarians, nutritional companies, leading newspapers and magazines. The message seems to be more convincing when it comes from people perceived as a superior court.

• Encourage people to put particular target for change. Whenever possible, help them to make a decision of some kind. These two practices help people achieve goals and do not stop there.

• Use a fairly explicit images of animal suffering. However, these images do not have to be so forthright that will scare people. Graphic images, accompanied by message on how to remedy the situation, helping people easily perceive the information and change more readily.

• Adhere to the principle that information should be presented in a concise manner and repeat the main idea of a red thread. Do not overload people with facts. This will help them easier to absorb your message.

• Celebrate people for the fact that the rejection of the meat corresponds to what these people already are and what they already believe. To communicate to them the idea that this change fit into their idea of what they want to become. People are more likely to change when these changes coincide with the views of the person himself and his plans for life.

• Refrain from charges. Promises reproachfully makes people less willing to change. There will not be a problem if they experience a sense of guilt, knowing that some animals undergo treatment at the enterprises, but do not tell them directly that it is their fault.

• Inform people about how many animals they save, giving up meat or even reducing its consumption. People are more likely to do something when they know that it will bring concrete results.

• Make eye-catching designs and fonts for vegetarian materials, so that your message was more understandable. Use emotional, rather than philosophical arguments. Philosophical arguments are far less convincing to most people.

• Focus on changing the behavior of people, not just their attitude towards the issue. For many, there is a huge difference between the opinion and behavior.

• Refrain from repeating and spreading myths about vegetarianism. Many people confuse them, plus they will remember the myths as truth.

• Do not tell people in advance what you want to encourage them. First, interest them in what you say. People who know in advance that you try to make them to persuade in something, immediately begin to look for counterarguments.

• Encourage people to go to the changes that are important, and which they can imagine how it is achievable. Operate approaches and messages, which are designed to create the greatest changes and help the greatest number of animals. Refrain from following primitive approaches that are the easiest for you, or sending, that best express what you believe in.