This posture highlight is one of our favorites, but don’t let it fool you. The seated forward bend or Paschimottanasana is the fifth of the 12 basic postures of hatha yoga and is a deceptively easy-looking posture but in actuality can take quite a while to perfect. The most obvious benefit is that it provides a lovely stretch of the entire backside of the body all the way from the head to the heels.
Seated forward bends are all about releasing. According to Kripalu Yoga teacher, Cristie Newhart on Kripalu.org, “Forward bends are not about how deep you can go but rather how deeply you can release. Less is more.”
There are many benefits when it comes to seated forward bends including:
Creating length and space in the spine
Deep stretch for the entire back side of the body
Stretches the hamstrings
Calms nervous system and emotions
Stimulates reproductive and urinary systems
Counteracting compression
Promotes introspection
Here’s how it works…
Start by sitting up straight on the floor with your legs together and stretched out in front of you. Point both feet toward the ceiling
Inhale and stretch your arms up over your head and lengthen your spine upwards.
While exhaling, bend forward from the hips. Keep spine elongated and reach toward your feet with your hands.
If you can reach your feet, wrap your fingers round your big toes. If you can’t reach your feet, let your hands fall comfortably on top of your shins or thighs or on the floor.
Do your best to avoid any curvature in the spine. Keep your back straight and bend from the hips.
Once you’re in position, gently pull on your feet or legs with your arms. Stretch your head toward your feet and try to give an additional stretch.
Hold the posture and relax especially in the shoulders and hips. With each exhale, let your abdomen fall closer to the thighs.
Come out of the seated forward bend by inhaling and stretching your hands, then come up with a flat back and stretch your arms and spine as you raise your body. Exhale again and relax, bringing your arms down.
This is the seated forward bend in a nutshell, an excellent way to deeply stretch your entire body.