Change yourself and the world around will change

Journey to the Places of Buddha


from 14 to 31 march 2025 · 18 days

In the India and Nepal yoga tour participants will visit places associated with the life of Shakyamuni Buddha, as he bequeathed to those who follow the Path of self-development, as well as places of practice of other great yogis and yoginis. And not so much for the purpose of "watching" as for practicing.

A yoga tour to India will be of interest to everyone who is on the path of self-improvement:


Tour program

India and Nepal Yoga Tour schedule in March 2025

day 1

Day 1. Departure from Moscow and flight to Delhi

  • Departure from Moscow and flight to Delhi (participants from other countries get to Delhi on their own).
  • Flight to Varanasi.
  • Transfer to Sarnath. Check-in at the hotel.
  • Excursion to the Deer Park, the ruins of the old city and the Dhamek Stupa.
  • A lecture about the historical events that took place in this place.
  • Return to the hotel.
  • Rest.
day 2

Day 2. Sarnath-Bodhgaya

  • Morning transfer to Varanasi, Ganga, Ghathi. A boat trip along the Ganges.
  • Transfer to Bodhgaya, hotel accommodation.
  • Free time to explore the city.
  • Dinner.
  • Evening practice of the OM mantra.
  • Rest.
day 3

Day 3. Bodhgaya

  • In the morning, practice yoga, pranayama or meditation.
  • Breakfast.
  • In the afternoon, a lecture on the places visited on that day.
  • Free time to explore the city.
  • Dinner.
  • Evening practice of the OM mantra.
  • Rest.
day 4

Day 4. Bodhgaya. Mahakala Cave

  • Early in the morning – departure to Mahakala cave.
  • A lecture about the historical events that took place in this place.
  • Breakfast.
  • Free time for personal practice.
  • Visit to Mahabodhi.
  • Dinner.
  • Evening practice of the OM mantra.
  • Rest.
day 5

Day 5. Bodhgaya

  • In the morning, practice yoga, pranayama or meditation.
  • Breakfast.
  • Free time to explore the city, buy souvenirs.
  • Visit to Mahabodhi.
  • Dinner.
  • Evening practice of the OM mantra.
  • Rest.
day 6

Day 6. Rajgir. Gridhrakuta

  • Early in the morning - departure from Bodhgaya to Rajgir to Mount Gridhrakuta.
  • Meditation practice on the mountain, meeting the dawn. A story about this place, a lecture on self-improvement.
  • Accommodation in a hotel in Rajgir.
  • Dinner.
  • Evening practice of the OM mantra.
  • Rest.
day 7

Day 7. Rajgir

  • In the morning, practice yoga, pranayama or meditation.
  • Breakfast.
  • A trip to the cave complex near Rajgir.
  • A story about this historical place.
  • Dinner.
  • Evening practice of the OM mantra.
  • Rest.
day 8

Day 8. Vaishali-Kushinagar

  • In the morning - departure to Vaishali.
  • Hatha yoga, pranayama or meditation in Vaishali Park.
  • Visit the park where the actions described in the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra took place. A lecture on Vaishali.
  • Lunch
  • Departure to Kushinagar.
  • Visiting the place of Buddha's departure to Mahaparinirvana.
  • Dinner.
  • Evening practice of the OM mantra.
  • Accommodation, rest.
day 9

Day 9. Kushinagar-Shravasti

  • In the morning, departure to Shravasti.
  • Accommodation at the hotel.
  • If we manage to visit the "Grove of Jety" (Jatavan) - Anathapindiki Park.
  • Practice in the Grove
  • Dinner.
  • Evening practice of the OM mantra.
  • Rest.
day 10

Day 10. Shravasti

  • In the morning, hatha yoga, pranayama or meditation.
  • Breakfast.
  • Visit to the "Jeta Grove" (Jatavan) and Anathapindiki Park. A thematic lecture.
  • Dinner.
  • Evening practice of the OM mantra.
  • Rest.
day 11

Day 11. Lumbini

  • Early in the morning - departure to the border with Nepal.
  • Crossing the border.
  • In Lumbini, accommodation at the hotel.
  • Lunch
  • Visiting the birthplace of the Buddha.
  • A thematic lecture in the park and the practice of hatha yoga.
  • Dinner.
  • Evening practice of the OM mantra.
  • Rest.
day 12

Day 12. Lumbini - Kapilavastu - Lumbini

  • Early in the morning - departure to Kapilavasta.
  • Morning practice of hatha yoga or meditation.
  • A story about this place, personal practice.
  • Return to Lumbini.
  • Breakfast.
  • Free time to visit monasteries of different countries in the park in Lumbini.
  • Dinner.
  • Evening practice of the OM mantra.
  • Rest.
day 13

Day 13. Kathmandu

  • Early departure to Kathmandu.
  • Accommodation in a hotel in Kathmandu.
  • Lunch
  • Visiting Bodnath.
  • The conversation at Bodnath's. Personal yoga practice.
  • Dinner.
  • Evening practice of the OM mantra.
  • Rest.
day 14

Day 14. Kathmandu

  • Morning practice of meditation, pranayama or hatha yoga.
  • Breakfast.
  • Visit to the Swayambudnath Stupa.
  • Free time.
  • Dinner.
  • Evening practice of the OM mantra.
  • Rest.
day 15

Day 15. Kathmandu

  • Morning practice of meditation, pranayama or hatha yoga.
  • Breakfast.
  • Free time, souvenir shopping, personal yoga practice.
  • Dinner.
  • The final meeting is a sunset meeting: an exchange of impressions about the trip.
  • Evening practice of the OM mantra.
  • Rest.
day 16

Day 16. Kathmandu-Delhi

  • Morning practice of meditation, pranayama or hatha yoga.
  • Breakfast.
  • Free time, souvenir shopping, personal yoga practice.
  • Departure to Kathmandu airport.
  • Flight to Delhi or other destinations.
day 17

Day 17. Delhi-Moscow

  • Flight to Moscow or other destinations.

Advantages of the tour

In the yoga tour, participants are expected:

    Daily yoga or pranayama classes, depending on weather conditions. Pranayama is a breathing exercise for energy accumulation.
  • Conversations on topics of Vedic culture and stories about places visited during the trip.
  • The traditional part of the program: singing the OM mantra.

During the yoga tour to India, the following are planned:

  • Lectures related to the places visited.
  • Yoga classes are held wherever possible.
  • The practice of pranayama and meditation.

The practice of yoga in India, in the places of great ascetics, is filled with a special meaning.

If you have been practicing yoga recently, do not practice at all, but want to go, or someone close to you wants to go on a yoga tour with you, this is also possible, since the trip is very interesting from a tourist point of view.

Visiting cities and attractions during a yoga tour to India and Nepal

  • Varanasi
  • Sarnath
  • Bodhgaya and Mahakala Cave
  • Rajgir and Mount Gridhrakuta
  • Vaishali
  • Kushinagar
  • Kapilavastu
  • Lumbini
  • Kathmandu
  • Delhi

Yoga tour to India and Nepal, places of life of great yogis

  • Bodhgaya is the place where the Buddha achieved enlightenment.
  • Gridhrakuta is a place near the city of Rajgir, where the Buddha still reads the "Lotus Sutra of the Good Law".
  • Tathagata is the highest title among teachers who are on the path of developing and spreading knowledge.
  • Shariputra was born and lived after he completed his initial training with the Buddha, in the city of Rajgir. Shariputra was responsible for the spiritual development of this region. He was cremated there.
  • Ananda is the nephew of the Buddha. Ananda's purpose, thanks to his phenomenal memory, is to memorize all the Buddha's speeches and expound them. Ananda lived for 250 years and was buried in Vaishali. His stupa with ashes is located in Vaishali, which the Oum Club visits every year.
  • Rahula is the son of the Buddha, who upon reaching adulthood became a disciple of the Buddha. Rahula's soul in future lives will always be born the son of future tathagatas.
  • Tilopa is an outstanding yogi of the past. It can be said that the ancestor of the Karma Kagyu line. Tilopa had a disciple Naropa, Naropa had Marpa, Marpa had Milarepa, Milarepa's disciples began to develop Karma Kagyu, which has been preserved in the same form to the present day.

Flight information

  1. Moscow-Delhi-Moscow
    Company: Aeroflot
  2. Delhi-Varanasi
    the flight is being specified
  3. Kathmandu-Delhi
    the flight is being specified


1850 $

For yoga teachers who have completed training courses at the club , an individual discount is provided.

The price of the yoga tour to India includes:

  • buses in India and Nepal,
  • all hotels,
  • Nepalese visa,
  • yoga program (detailed description above),
  • entrance tickets, where necessary.

Not included:

  • flights (usually spending about 50,000rubles on them, the earlier you buy tickets, the cheaper it is),
  • Indian visa,
  • meals (about $100-200 for the whole trip).

You can buy a Moscow-Delhi-Moscow ticket yourself on the official website of Aeroflot ( ) or on any website convenient for you. Be sure to check the validity period of your passport: the validity period must be at least six months from the date of the trip.

It is also important to take a bank card with you on the trip, with which you pay for the ticket, since during check-in you may be asked to present the card with which you paid. If there is no card, you will be asked to pay for the ticket in cash.

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The offer is not a public offer. The organizers reserve the right to refuse admission to the event without giving any reasons, with a refund of previously paid funds.
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