Change yourself and the world around will change

The Conscious Pregnancy and Natural Parenting. Table of Contents. Introduction

The Conscious Pregnancy and Natural Parenting. Table of Contents. Introduction

“The Conscious Pregnancy and Natural Parenting”. Club of yoga and wholesome life OUM.RU.

Author: Alexandra Shtukaturova

Thanks to the authors of individual chapters and comments: Natalia Kryazhevskih, Kristina Khlystova, Elena Maltseva, Anastasia Isaeva

Cover design and layout: Vera Stepanova

Proofreading: Alisa Chechina

The book is distributed without payment

Table of Contents



Chapter 1. The first rule – rejection of bad habits

Chapter 2. The second rule – healthy eating

Chapter 3. The third rule – abstinence. What are the Rita laws? Harm of hormonal contraception

Chapter 4. The fourth rule – spiritual self-improvement. Practice of altruism. Practices of spiritual self-improvement. Hatha-yoga. Retreat. Invitation of the soul to the family


Chapter 5. Eating during pregnancy

Chapter 6. Hatha-yoga during pregnancy. Recommendations for practice. What is perinatal yoga?

Chapter 7. Healthy habits during pregnancy

Chapter 8. Medical issues. Toxicosis. Medications. Complexes of vitamins. Ultrasound

Chapter 9. Importance of spiritual practice during pregnancy. Pranayama and meditation. Concentration on images. Retreat


Chapter 10. Correct attitude to childbirth. A bit of history from the life of our ancestors

Chapter 11. What is natural childbirth? Why are methods, used in modern obstetrics, dangerous: stimulation, anesthesia, cesarean section, postures for childbirth?

Chapter 12. The first minutes of a child’s life. Umbilical cord. Early breastfeeding. Joint stay of mother and child

Chapter 13. Husband-coached childbirth


Chapter 14. Natural feeding

Chapter 15. Mother's eating after childbirth

Chapter 16. Co-sleeping

Chapter 17. Refusal of disposable diapers. Natural hygiene of the baby

Chapter 18. About babywearing on hands and slings

Chapter 19. What should parents know about vaccinations?

Chapter 20. Postnatal yoga practice for recovery. Baby yoga

Books recommended for reading


Dear friends,

Being a parent is one of the most important missions on this planet. How to prepare yourself for the coming of the child in the family and his upbringing? How to stay conscious at every stage of parenting? How parents and their children can become spiritual friends and work together to bring good to the world?

This book is about the wholesome life of parents and their present and future children, grandfathers and grandmothers, of our entire society. We have made efforts to collect material for you about important periods of family creation: preparing for conception, pregnancy, childbirth and the first months of your baby's life. We have tried to consider topics important for the parents, such as practice of spiritual development of the family, conscious eating during pregnancy and lactation, vaccination of children, natural childbirth, and breastfeeding.

This is not a guide to action and not a collection of unequivocal answers to questions. These are just common sense guidelines in your experience of parenting and relationships with children. With children that are not born yet, and with that children, who have already come to this world for the passage of lessons. Awareness of children, quality of their lives in society, and in the end the wellbeing of the whole planet, depends in many respects namely from parents. Awareness and conscious living to you!


In the modern world, it is commonly believed that a conscious preparing for the conception of a child is the commission of such actions as the surrender of necessary tests (including the presence of sexual infections), vaccination against certain diseases, examination by various specialists on the subject of any “deviations” in your health. Also, people who are preparing to conceive a child are advised to start thinking about their healthy way of life. And all this, according to modern sources of information, must be started in a few months (!) before the planned conception. Unfortunately, these measures recommended by the majority of physicians cannot be called a conscious and adequate approach to future parenting.

Judge for yourself, how much time have modern women and men of childbearing age, being a full-fledged product of modern society, spent on an absolutely unhealthy and not wholesome lifestyle, having lived to their 25-35 years? Unfortunately, today alcohol consumption not only by men, but also by girls from a very young age, is considered the norm. And a cigarette between teeth, especially the girl's, is regarded as a sign of “independence and strength”, as a “beautiful” gloss. Namely such habits lead already adult people to the full infantilism in relation not only to their own future, but also to the future of their children. Many have spent one-third of their lives on the “pleasures of life”, which are the poison of delayed action either for the mind or for the intellect (not the same as the mind), or for a person’s mental health (and often for everything at once). And they naively believe that a few months of life, more clean from the toxins, can somehow rectify the situation.

Meanwhile, it takes years for the body to clear itself of the dirt that it was regularly supplied with. In addition, such parents show frank disrespect for their future child, skimping to spend on improving themselves a few more years. They were not sorry for the time that they spent on fun and unconscious life. However, suddenly they have decided that they want to have a child, and want to have him immediately, without bothering to raise their level and in the future of his (child’s) life. It turns out that a self-respecting soul will hardly come to such parents. Instead of a high soul, they risk getting a soul, just selfish and not respecting his relatives.

“Where can I take so many years for self-development?” such people will be surprised. After all, if we clean up our body during another third of life, it will be too late to think about the birth of children by that time. Nevertheless, there are several sound ideas, the application of which in your life day by day, will help to increase the likelihood of a positive result.