"Gipoallergennost" ("hypo" - it is less, than in...) - the word says to the buyer that (according to the producer) the product contains less allergens, than other products. But there are no legalized norms on the content of allergens. Therefore the statement that the product low allergenic, makes not enough sense.
In the advertizing promises made by producers on the production it is held back temporariness of result and those by-effects which involve many chemical components.
Thus, production of the cosmetic industry of the majority of firms doesn't give to the consumer of that he expects. Check the cosmetics which you use, they can be dangerous not only for your health, but also for appearance too (skin, hair).
Technical oil (Mineral Oil). It is received from oil. Apply in the industry to greasing and as the dissolving liquid. In cosmetics it is applied as a humidifier. Forming a water-repellent film, it locks moisture in skin (greenhouse effect). The film from technical oil detains not only water, but also toxins, carbon dioxide, waste and waste products of cages, interferes with oxygen penetration. As a result skin (the live breathing body) becomes unhealthy. The allergist doctor Randolph found out that technical oil can cause a petrochemical allergization. Such allergies can lead to arthritis, migraine, epilepsy, diabetes as technical oil connects and interferes with digestion of fat-soluble A, D, K, E vitamins and brings them out of an organism. Besides, at such oils usually there are carcinogens.
Petrolatum (Petrolatum) - vaseline. It is fat, petrochemical product. Has the same harmful properties, as technical oil. Holding liquid, it interferes with release of toxins and waste, breaks penetration of oxygen into skin.
Glycol (Propylene Glycole) - derivative oil product, sweet caustic liquid is sawn through. It is used in the industry as antifreeze in systems of water cooling and as brake fluid. It is widely applied in cosmetics as attracts and connects water, gives feeling of smoothness of skin. But it is reached by replacement of substances, important for health of skin. It is cheaper, than glycerin, but causes more allergic reactions, irritations, formation of eels. At contact with skin can cause violation of activity of a liver and kidneys. In cosmetics the usual structure includes 10-20% glycol propylene (if it is in the list of ingredients one of the first, it speaks about its high concentration). Propylene glycol causes a large number of reactions and is one of the main irritants of skin even in low concentration.
Lanolin (Lanolin). Specialists in advertizing established that the words "contains lanolin" help to sell production. It is advertized as a salutary humidifier, it is claimed that "it is capable to get into skin, as any other oil" though for this purpose there are no enough scientific statements. Lanolin causes increase of sensitivity of skin and even allergic rash at contact.
Lauryl sodium sulfate (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate - SLS) - the inexpensive detergent received from coconut oil. It is widely used in cosmetic cleaners, shampoos, gels, etc. In the industry of SLS it is applied to washing of floors in garages, means for a wash of machines etc. It really well deletes fat from a surface. But nobody does advertizing of this funds, and for it there are bases. This most dangerous substance in preparations on care of hair and skin. SLS is widely used in all clinics of the world as a tester of skin irritability (i.e. the irritation of skin at animals and people is caused by a preparation). SLS gets into eyes, a brain, a liver and is late there. It is especially dangerous to children in which fabrics it collects in large numbers, changes proteinaceous structure of cells of eyes of children, detaining them healthy development and causing a cataract. SLS clears a surface by oxidation, leaving the irritating film on skin of a body and hair. Promotes a hair loss, emergence of dandruff, affecting bulbs of filaments. Hair are dried up, become fragile and split on the ends. At connection with other components of cosmetic preparations (for example, in shampoos) form nitrates which get to blood of the person.
Many firms mask the products under natural, specifying "is received from coconuts". Cocoes here at anything.
Sulfate of sodium (Sodium Laureth Sulphate) - is similar to Lauret on SLS properties. Ингридиент No. 1 in cleaners, shampoos, very cheap; it is condensed at salt addition. Forms a lot of foam and creates illusion that it dense, concentrated and the expensive, though this quite weak detergent. SLES reacts with other components and forms except nitrates also dioxine.
Alpha gidroksidny acids (Alpha Hydrox Acids - AHA's). Lactic acid and other acids. This opening of all times in the field of cosmetics on care of skin. AHA's work as the substances deleting old cages from a skin surface. Skin looks young, however, deleting an external layer of dead cages, we also clean the first and most important protective layer of skin. In this case harmful substances from environment which promote aging of skin, get into it quicker and more deeply. As a result skin grows old ahead of time.
Albumine (Albumin) - the main ingredient in the structures tightening face skin. It is advertized as means of fight against wrinkles. The case of initiation of serious business on an occasion of complaints of clients occurred in the sixties. Complaints were on the preparation containing albumine of serum of bull blood which, drying formed a film over wrinkles.
Kaolin (Kaolin) - the natural clay of thin structure having the drying-up action. Dehydrates skin. The kaolin can be polluted by various harmful impurity. Intensively carbon dioxide and toxins in skin detains, suffocates skin, depriving of it the vital oxygen.
Bentonite (Bentonite) - a natural mineral; differs from usual clay in that when mixing with liquid forms gel. Parts of bentonite can have keen edges and scratch skin. The majority of bentonites dry up skin. When using in preparations and masks forms gas-tight films. Intensively holds toxins and carbon dioxide, interfering with breath of skin and release of waste products, stopping oxygen access.
Lauramid Dai (Lauramide Dea) - the semi-synthetic chemical used for formation of foam and a condensation of various cosmetic preparations. It is applied in detergents to washing of ware because of ability to delete fats. Can dry up hair and skin, to cause an itch and allergic reactions.
Glycerin (Glycerin) - the liquid similar to a syrup consistence received by a chemical compound of water and fat. It is applied as a useful humidifier. Researches showed that at humidity of air lower than 65% glycerin exhausts water from skin on all depth and holds it on a surface instead of taking moisture from air. That does dry skin still to the land. What sense to exhaust water from young, healthy cells to moisten dead cages on a surface?
Triklozan (Triclosan) - is the famous antibacterial agent of a broad spectrum of activity. This ingredient is actively applied in washing and cleaners, and also means of personal hygiene, such as soap and deodorants. Use of a triklozan in toothpaste, shampoos, creams, female cosmetics is possible.
It is revealed that some rather dangerous bacteria developed resistance to a triklozan - in the presence of a triklozan they survived more than 16 weeks. According to microbiologists, триклозан kills many useful bacteria, leaving untouched to a bacterium harmful. As it isn't regrettable, the bacteria which "got used" to a triklozan and cause blood poisoning and meningitis.
Danger is covered that triklozan not only doesn't prevent pathogenic bacteria to breed, but also destroys those bacteria which could contain growth of dangerous microorganisms. Not to solve a problem creation of other antibacterial component. It is more correct not to use triklozan at all in everyday life as the majority of bacteria don't do harm to an organism.
On January 1, 2017 in the American state of Minnesota the decree on a ban of use of a triklozan in consumer goods will come into force. Many companies plan to refuse it before this term. Danger of a triklozan consists that its high contents in an organism leads to hormonal violations in reproductive system (at least, at laboratory animals). Besides, some bacteria develop genetic resistance to a triklozan that does it useless.
Parabens - the preservatives used in production nearly of all cosmetics - cause the Cancer.
Collagen (Collagen) - a protein, the main part of a structural network of our skin. Its use is harmful for the following reasons:
1) the big size of a molecule of collagen (weight of 60000 units) interferes with its penetration into skin. It settles on a surface, clogging up skin pores and interfering with water evaporation (also as technical oil);
2) the collagen applied in cosmetics is received from skins of cattle and from paws of birds. Even if it gets into skin, its molecular structure and biochemistry differ from human and it can't be used.
Elastin (Elastin) - substance of which the structure holding cells of skin on a place consists. Receive for cosmetics from leather of cattle; also has big molecular weight. Creates a suffocating film as can't get into it on skin. And even being vsprysnuty, doesn't carry out the mission because of alien molecular structure (human elastin very much differs from an animal).
Hyaluronic acid (Hyaluronic Acid) - a vegetable and animal origin, is similar human and can be applied in a low-molecular form. The cosmetic companies use it in a high-molecular form (to 15 million units) where molecules very big and can't get into skin. Acid remains on skin and works as collagen. But often in production only a small amount of this acid is used.
Liposomes (Liposomes) - are considered as one of the last finds in fight against aging of skin. These are the tiny sacks with fat and extract of a hormone of glandula thymus suspended in a body. It is supposed that merging with cages, they recover them and add moisture. However the last scientific researches don't confirm these assumptions. Cellular membranes of old and young cages are similar. Thus, the humidifiers containing liposomes of no other than the next expensive cheating.
Tirozin (Tyrosyne) - is advertized as amino acid which allows to get a deep tan. Some lotions for suntan contain tirozin (as the amino acid strengthening a melanization (suntan) of skin). But the melanization - internal process, and spreading of lotion on skin can't affect it. It is also possible to be rubbed with food to satisfy hunger. Statements of producers for efficiency of amplifiers of suntan aren't confirmed. It is doubtful that tirozin can get into skin on such depth to influence process of a melanization.
Fetalny products are the products (a placenta, stem cells, fabrics) received from embryos through abortion or embryos (after the 8th week of pre-natal development) the person and animals: lambs, calfs, pigs. Marking of such cosmetics: extracts Ovar, Placenta, Cutis, Hepar, Amnion, Liquor amnii (amniotic liquid), placentary proteins etc. Products of a human origin are marked by Human or Fetal.
If it is a product of an animal origin, healthy pregnant animals get out of herd and are slaughtered. Suppliers of a human product are abortion clinics (which is in each female consultation). For receiving healthy embryonic cells absolutely healthy babies, so - the killed at the request of "mother" are required … And even if you aren't touched by a moral ethical aspect of this question, it is worth reflecting that, as well as in the meat industry, producers of fetalny production can hide information that substances were received at sick donors.
Table salt (Sodium Chloride - Salt; NaCl) - is used for increase of viscosity of some cosmetic preparations. At the high contents can cause irritation of skin and a mucous surface of eyes.
And what to do? – you ask. To become more responsible in a question of a choice of cosmetics and means of household chemicals, to cease to trust promising advertizing and attentively to read structures on labels. To refuse the products containing various derivatives of oil (including from paraffin candles), to give preference to the producers using less aggressive surfactants, than SLES and SLS (Sodium Miret Sulphate, Mipa Laureth Sulfate, Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate, Sodium Pareth Sulfate, Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate (SLSA)), to try to understand a question of natural cosmetics and, perhaps, to learn to make some products, for example soap and cream, independently.
Anyway, having fenced off itself from excess chemistry in house conditions, we won't be able to control a situation around all the time, as people a being social. We should inhale terrible aromas of fresheners in salons of a taxi and perfume of people in public transport, to use unclear detergents in public toilets, to wear clothes which composition of dyes to us isn't known at all. Generally, "enemy" everywhere and anywhere to us from him not to get to. At least, while all mankind globally won't reconsider the in many respects the irresponsible relation to a health issue and ecology. Therefore, it is necessary to be engaged in strengthening of own "armor" - our immunity and a metabolism. The person leading a healthy lifestyle has more than chances to become less sensitive to all chemical influences. And I tell not only about physical health. Let your sound mind will have a sound body!
material is processed by the teacher of yoga Yaroslavna Puchnina