Change yourself and the world around will change

Harmful daily occurrence: microwave ovens, household chemicals, disposable tableware, plastic

The house — this special place for each person. Irrespective of what is the time in days of people spend out in it, everyone wants to create its such that it was pleasant to come back after the intense working day where it is always possible to find tranquillity, a cosiness and harmony, to feel in it freely and safely.

People strive for comfort, using for this purpose all available means and the benefits of a modern civilization, without reflecting as far as these "benefits" those are. Throughout at least XX centuries our civilization actively developed, reaching new heights and opening in the industry, science, offering new products for comfortable life. Many sincerely to them rejoiced and successfully used. But everything changes – euphoria of opening and progress passes, and the deposit remains, and the person starts noticing that not all new so well influences his life, and especially his health.

People do European-quality repair, rejoice to plastic windows, a new laminate, linoleum, a carpet, vinyl wall-paper and stretch ceilings, without reflecting on the health at this moment. The most part of furniture from a chipboard, DVP, products from polymers, synthetic materials, paints and varnishes, emit chemicals, unhealthy: formaldehyde, phenol, ammonia, benzene and great number of others. The apartment stops being suitable for housing, and reminds a gas chamber more. Artificial materials lead to problems with a dream, to headaches, fast fatigue and other unpleasant consequences.

As a result of a little natural remains in apartments, and, in particular, in kitchens! Each hostess wants that her kitchen was not only beautiful, but also functional where she will spend time minimum behind cooking and washing of ware. And if to consider the average inhabitant, still that all this process was rather economical or at least "on a pocket". It is enough variety of a choice, but the fashion on a healthy lifestyle (probably, one of its best manifestations), forces to look around and reflect – as we live?! It became fashionable to eat properly. But it is important for health not only that you eat, but also from what.

You reflected sometime, what ware you use and of what it consists? For example, plastic. Plastic became a part of the life of most of people.

They take disposable tableware on picnics, store the cooked food in plastic containers, warm it in a microwave, have tea from plastic glasses, and boil water in plastic electric kettles. Empty plastic bottles from under lemonade or mineral water are left and are used more and more, forgetting that they disposable! Perhaps, for people expert in chemistry harm of plastic won't be news, but unless the simple inhabitant reflects on it when pretty often on all shelves of shops it is possible to buy cheap "comfort and convenience"!?

What is plastic? Polymeric material. In pure form very fragile, but to improve indicators of durability and durability, producers add special chemical components thanks to which plastic becomes stronger, but the toxic. The companies declare that their production doesn't do harm to health of the person if to observe instructions on application.

International marking, the triangle formed by shooters with figure inside was developed for sorting of plastic. Under a triangle, together or instead of figure the alphabetic code of plastic can be specified. Also the producer applies a special sign which designates for what purposes on the product it is possible to use it. The most widespread signs it: "a fork with a glass", "snowflakes", "plates under a shower" and temperature. Such signs inform that production is suitable for contact with food and that a certain impact on plastic is authorized (for example, washing by water, heating or freezing).

Plastic is subdivided into 7 types.

Triangle and figure "1" inside: PET (E) polyethyleneterephthalate or PET.

Cheap thanks to what meets practically everywhere. It contains the majority of drinks, vegetable oils, ketchups, spices, dairy products, cosmetics. It is forbidden to be used in a microwave and to fill with hot food. PET of ware have an expiration date – one year after which of plastic harmful substances start being allocated. Is suitable ONLY for single application. At repeated application, phthalates - the toxic substances giving to plastic elasticity are emitted. Is in the form of a plastic film into which pack sausage, cheese and other products. Being allocated from plastic it is capable to pass into fats.

Triangle and figure "2" inside: Polyethylene of a high pressure of PEHD (HDPE).

Cheap, easy, steady against temperature influences (range is from-80 to +110 degrees C). Disposable tableware, food containers, packings is made of it for milk, a bottle for cosmetics, packing packages, garbage bags, bags, toys. It is considered rather safe though from it formaldehyde can be emitted.

Formaldehyde - is entered in the list of carcinogens, possesses chronic toxicity, negatively influences genetics, reproductive organs, airways, eyes, an integument. Has strong effect on the central nervous system. Appearing in an organism, this carcinogen changes strongly and transformed to methyl alcohol or formic acid. In modern apartments with "European-quality repair" concentration of formaldehyde is highest which increases when heating (or simply being in heat).

Triangle and figure "3" inside: Polyvinylchloride V, PVC.

It is that PVC of which do window profiles, elements of furniture, a film for stretch ceilings, pipes, to a cloth, curtains, floor coverings, container for technical liquids.

Polymer differs in the low cost and therefore is in demand for producers.

It contains formaldehyde, Diphenol A (about it information is lower), vinyl chloride, phthalates, and also mercury and/or cadmium can contain. It is possible to buy expensive window profiles, expensive stretch ceilings, expensive laminate, but even the high cost of production doesn't give any guarantees of safety. It is forbidden for food application. In a month of storage in such bottle mineral water will incorporate some milligrams of vinyl chloride. And this dose, according to oncologists, serious even for the adult. At poisoning, you will suspect on anything, but only not plastic in which water was stored.

It practically doesn't give in to repeated processing. It is especially dangerous when burning.

Triangle and figure "4" inside: Polyethylene of low pressure of PELD (LDPE).

Cheap and widespread material of which make the majority of packages, garbage bags, bottles for detergents, toys, compact disks, linoleum.

It is rather safe for food application, in rare instances can emit formaldehyde. Plastic bags aren't so hazardous to health of the person as are dangerous to planet ecology.

Triangle and figures "5" inside: PP polypropylene.

Strong and heat-resistant plastic of which food containers, packings for food, syringes, toys are made. Maintains high temperatures therefore in ware from this plastic warm up food in a microwave. As big minus of this ware it is possible to consider her dislike for fats, at contact with them polypropylene collapses and allocates toxic substances in the form of formaldehyde, phthalates.

Triangle and figure "6" inside: PS polystyrene.

Cheap and simple plastic in production of which almost all disposable tableware, glasses for yogurt, containers for food, toys, heat-insulating plates is made.

The polystyrene (PS) ware also doesn't love big temperatures and is intended for cold food and drinks. At contact with hot liquids polystyrene allocates toxic substance — styrene which in a consequence collects at us in a liver and kidneys, slowly destroying them.

Triangle and figure "7" inside: Polycarbonate and other O, OTHER plastic.

This group includes the plastic which didn't get a separate number. Apply to production of children's small bottles, multilayered packing, the combined plastic, bottles for water of the reusable use.

Some plastic from this group contains Diphenol A, and some, according to producers, on the contrary, differs in the increased ecological purity.

Diphenol A is used within already 50 years as a hardener in plastic production, and also products on the basis of plastic. It is one of key monomers in production of epoxies and the most general form in polycarbonate plastic. From polycarbonate plastic the whole range of products is made: compact disks, container for water, lenses, cans, small bottles for kids and automobile details. It is applied in veterinary science and medicine in quality antiseptics. Diphenol A is a part of tooth seals and sealants. Availability of Diphenol A was revealed even on notes practically of all currencies of the world, including on rubles. For example, in Canada and Denmark, use of Diphenol A is completely forbidden. Nevertheless World Health Organization this substance is authorized!

The polycarbonate (RS) ware which isn't containing Diphenol A is considered the safest and very practical. However not all agree with this statement. The special storm of indignation is caused by production and use of children's small bottles from polycarbonate. Three years ago the Canadian scientists stated the first cautions about harm of VRA. They proved that the substance used in production of ware from plastic leads to modifications in a brain and the organism puts at risk of developing of breast cancer or a prostate, a disease of heart and diabetes.

The mankind so strongly became dependent on plastic what to refuse their application at least in the food industry it appears it is impossible. Everything that we can make, it to minimize contacts with plastic and to approach its use when you know about it much more, intelligently:

- Always you look at marking of plastic and don't use those products where it isn't present in general;

- Disposable tableware including plastic bottles can't be used again, you remember that at contact with hot it becomes toxic;

- Plastic packages are intended for packing of goods, but not for storage. The exception makes only those packages which are steady against low temperatures. In usual plastic bags when cooling toxic substances are allocated;

- The exception isn't made also by vacuum packing. At long storage in it easily appear staphylococcus and a salmonella. You watch closely date of production and don't buy goods with overdue date of packing;

- You don't store fermented and salty products in plasticity. Acid corrodes a protective layer and plastic starts allocating the same toxic substances;

- Packages in which are on sale in shops sour cream, milk, juice too bear danger. Sometimes producers to save, use the industrial instead of food glue. Active toxins of glue react with products. And at not the correct storage, under the influence of heat and light, polyethylene emits ammonia, cyanide and benzene. These heavy substances mix up with a product and easily get to us to an organism;

- Having brought products from shop, they need to be shifted immediately from packing in glass, metal or ceramic ware;

The conducted researches revealed that all plastic can be hazardous to health. Harmful substances from plastic start getting to food already at the smallest heating, and is frequent and at the room temperature. Some, on the contrary, when freezing.

Therefore carry out audit of plastic containers and get rid of them. Give preference to products from glass, a tree, metal. Also it is worth getting rid of plastic electric kettles. Quite perhaps economical hostesses kept plastic containers from under ice cream or jam, be not too lazy, throw out also them.

There is a separate wish to note ware from melamine – substance from which in chemical industry receive a kind of formaldehyde pitch. It is externally similar to porcelain, however is plastic, the most toxic of all kinds of plastic ware. Concentration of formaldehyde in melamine is very high and increases when the hot gets to ware. And drawings on it can keep because of use of paint with lead addition.

Unfortunately, not only plastic can be harmful in our kitchen.

The metal ware isn't 100% safe. It is considered the most harmful aluminum and from it it is necessary will get rid. This ware is very convenient and beautiful, but contains the nickel which is strong allergen. Besides nickel, in a food preparation time, also copper and chrome gets to food, why it often develops "a metal taste". Choose ware with a mark of "nikel free". The ware with a covering from burning suits only for cooking, but not for storage. And by no means it is impossible to use this ware if this layer is damaged or scratched! Also it isn't recommended to prepare in it sour dishes. Enameled, porcelain, ceramic, perhaps, the safest type of ware. But until, the blanket isn't damaged yet. The enameled ware needs to be chosen only cream, white, gray-blue, black and blue flowers. In other colors of enamel, especially bright add chemical compounds of manganese, cadmium and other metals. And the ceramics is decorated with varnishes and enamels to which add lead. Therefore don't use ware with drawing inside.

Such silicone ware fashionable and popular now, deserves attention, only if you are sure of the producer and as a part of silicone which was used at production.

Also for anybody not a secret that practically all household chemicals are harmful. Detergents for ware contain caustic alkalis which effectively fight against fat, but up to the end don't wash off. As a result, all this "chemistry" appears at us in a stomach that leads to ulcers, gastritises and an allergy. Some detergents contain the chlorine, formaldehyde and other harmful substances capable to cause irritation of skin of hands, an inflammation of mucous membranes of eyes, difficulty of breath, not to mention the done harm to internals: to a stomach, kidneys, liver, lungs.

But a hit of our list is the microwave oven which became an irreplaceable thing in recent years. It attached to herself simplicity of the use not only hostesses, but also men, and children. Opinions on harm of a microwave disperse, creating round it equal quantity, both supporters, and opponents. And even knowing that from it it is more than harm than advantage, it is difficult to modern society to refuse its use in life.

If other electric devices form round themselves magnetic fields, in the working mode the microwave radiates electric and magnetic waves of microwave range which are similar to the radiation of the working mobile phone, however is stronger many times over. Microwaves possess ability to get through small cracks and openings, glass and wooden doors, gipsokartonny partitions, are reflected from metal subjects. At the same time, are well absorbed, the objects containing water, in particular a human body. Microwaves get under an integument and organs of vision, and make harmful effects on a human body. The number of radiation depends on rated capacity in a microwave.

Electromagnetic radiation can't be seen, heard or clearly to feel, but it exists and affects a human body, leading to weakening of cages. Blood, endocrine, immune and sexual systems, a brain, eyes are most subject to influence of electromagnetic fields. The food cooked on microwaves is especially harmful to pregnant women. Unlimited use of a microwave during pregnancy can lead to spontaneous abortions, premature birth, emergence of congenital malformations in children.

Precisely the mechanism of influence of electromagnetic radiation isn't studied yet. Influence is shown not at once, and in process of accumulation therefore it is difficult to carry this or that disease which suddenly arose at the person into the account of devices to which it contacted.

The microwave oven negatively influences our health not only the presence in kitchen and not only during its direct use. It doesn't add any advantage to products which in it are warmed, prepare, defrozen. Electromagnetic radiation leads to destruction and deformation of molecules of food. It creates the new connections which aren't existing in the nature, called by the radio lytic. Radio lytic connections create molecular decay — as a direct consequence of radiation. Here only some list of that happens to products: food value from 60% do 90% decreases; biological activity of vitamin B (all complex), vitamins C and E, also in many minerals disappears; many scientists say that in the course of preparation, in food cancerogenic substances are formed. Categorically it is impossible to warm up in a microwave milk and food for the child.

Summing up the result, there is a wish to tell that the further I moved ahead in writing of this article, the more understood, something that we got used to call the fortress, that isn't. Unfortunately, in most cases, our houses and apartments pose more threat, than safety. But it is possible many will disagree with it. On the other hand, even, understanding injuriousness of that that surrounds us to avoid or hide absolutely from everything, it is almost impossible. But knowing features of these or those goods now, everyone can protect the health and health of the children, having refused at least some modern and convenient things. After all it isn't so difficult. To change simply a little the habits and to learn to be healthy naturally.

With it we can be helped by experience of wise ancestors which was safely removed on a background by the present. Though about 30-40 years ago we can remember how in marching conditions of a fir-tree of porridge wooden spoons and stored bread in beautiful wooden bread boxes. And all this not with it is simple. In Russia the wooden furniture and ware was everywhere widespread. Ate with wooden spoons from wooden flat dishes, used wooden bowls, ladles and jugs. Besides, spun ware from birch bark — saltcellars, capacities for storage of flour, grain. Birch bark products enjoyed special popularity. Birch bark possesses powerful antiseptic property. It is proved what exactly in the birch wood air is more sterile, than in the operational. Bark of a birch was imposed on the damaged body sites that promoted their fastest healing. Also birch bark is the irreplaceable assistant hyper – and to hypotensives, and also the people subject to frequent and strong headaches.

Moreover, "the warm tree" was the second name of birch bark always. Its positive power is so strong that products from this material keep heat even in the cold room. The power of birch bark clears and harmonizes space. The ware from a linden possesses anti-inflammatory properties, from a mountain ash — preserves against avitaminosis. The oak possesses anti-inflammatory and antiputrefactive properties. Wood of an oak contains tanida thanks to which the wooden mug gives to drinks a peculiar aroma. And the food stores taste in a cedar plate for a long time. It is also necessary to consider also disinfecting properties of wood of a cedar. The ware from a juniper long doesn't spoil. The milk stored in such ware even in hot day doesn't turn sour, and the salted vegetables are stored in juniper barrels more long than the usual.

Fortunately, now it is easily possible to find ware and other things of house use. The main thing, nevertheless to remember that, using wooden products, in gratitude, it is necessary to keep integrity of our woods, planting new trees.

Author of article student of a course of teachers of yoga Natalia Komova