Change yourself and the world around will change

Natasha Beketova's phenomenon: 120 past lifes

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The 29-year-old inhabitant of Anapa that speaks 120 languages. And  them she remembers the majority of the previous lives.

About the nurse from Anapa who knew 120 languages, write
in newspapers, magazines. It was shown on TV. Then she replaced a name with Tati Vel and moved to Finland. Alas this phenomenon remained unknown.

Surprising knowledge of the ordinary girl 

Literally from first minutes of acquaintance of Natashoy Beketova I felt shock. A question - that till some time this surprising girl possessed ability to diagnose human diseases. She not only in five minutes called all my diseases, but also and in detail described operation in eyes which I had. Besides, she know certain visual acuity of each eye. And at that moment she looked in herself.

I wasn't too lazy to go in the ophthalmologic center where it is made on me operation and to check information received from Natasha. Everything was confirmed!

A year later, already in my house, she made more detailed diagnostics of my basis 
, and my cousin Galina – the doctor with experience of 40 years – wrote down that Natasha, spoke. The sister was very surprised to her knowledge. "Such knowledge, - she in difficulty spoke, – only the qualified expert can possess!"

Natasha graduated from medical school and special courses of masseur therapists, but knowledge and abilities which she showed, far is beyond a course of this educational institution. It is confirmed of video filming which imprinted a session of treatment of the oncological patient by means of orthodox prayers. While Natasha said prayers, near her there was a certain white object which in the course of a session constantly changed a form. Thus its brightness periodically amplified or weakened. While brightness amplified, from the lower part of object there was "sleeve" of violet color which went from it to Natasha's throat.

I gave this video film for examination to experts. Conclusion: original shooting!

Former lives of the polyglot 

Natasha told about herself the following: 
- When I was 10-14 years old, I could see internals of the person. I possessed ability to telekinesis. Several times I had cases of a spontaneous levitation (soaring in air). I could see the parallel world … I very distinctly remember myself since two years. From this age I could reproduce freely ancient languages, think in these languages. I don't feel a difference whether to think to me in Japanese, Russian, Chinese or some other language, I don't feel transition border from one language on another … I know languages of that time and that country where was in last life. I can recollect the former lives, since the fifteenth century.

How professor-orientalist Tatyana Petrovna Grigorieva got acquainted with Natasha, I organized the girl's meeting with Yury P. – the professional translator who is perfectly knowing German. He knows and old German which Beketova speaks. I sat near them and attentively observed how they communicate. And all this registered in a video camera. The video operator Yury Sivirin keeps this and many other records made at experiments from Beketova.

Later, on Yulia Menshova's TV show " continuation follow…", Natasha showed knowledge of French of the XIX century. But in general this absurdly organized show only compromised the girl. She went to Anapa, as they say, in the upset feelings. I witnessed Natalya's communication with carriers of various languages. She freely answered the questions asked it on Japanese, Vietnamese and other languages. At my request Natasha wrote down the same phrase in seventy languages.

Interpretation of the text on a phaistos disc 

At my insistance Natasha undertook interpretation of the text applied on a so-called phaistos disc – the ancient artifact found by archeologists near the small city the Phaistos (Italy) and which is allegedly concerning legendary Atlantis. Natasha for rather short term carried out detailed interpretation text and to suprised text on 200 page.

According to her statement, on one party of the text information on a certain pyramid, and on another – on a crystal. The now deceased researcher and the translator of ancient texts examined the translation made by Beketova, by the way, a lot of time spent on interpretation of phaistos disc , Yury Grigoryevich Yankin. He noted that the target text of the party "And" coincided with its variant of translation more, and – it is less than party of "B". Nevertheless Yury Grigoryevich regarded Natalya Beketova's work as one of variants of translation and recorded as appropriate as a discovery.

At my insistance Natasha undertook interpretation of the text applied on a so-called phaistos disc – the ancient artifact found by archeologists near the small city the Phaistos(Italy) and which is allegedly concerning legendary Atlantis. Natasha for rather short term carried out detailed interpretation of the turbinal text and struck me with that used up thus more than 200 pages!

According to her statement, on one party of the text information on a certain pyramid, and on another – on a crystal is ciphered. The now deceased researcher and the translator of ancient texts examined the translation made by Beketova, by the way, a lot of time spent on interpretation of festsky disk, Yury Grigoryevich Yankin. He noted that the target text of the party "And" coincided with its variant of translation more, and – it is less than party of "B". Nevertheless Yury Grigoryevich regarded Natalya Beketova's work as one of variants of translation and recorded as appropriate as a discovery.

But, to be convinced, whether Natasha Beketova possesses phenomenal abilities really, it is possible to make the following experiment: Natasha left me the detailed description of three lives. I suggest to begin with England because in this country ancient buildings are well kept. It is simple to check its memoirs, in principle, because she calls many temporary reference points.

Submit to attention the English autobiography of Natalya Beketova 

"I was born on April 4, 1679 in the northwest of London in the city under the name of Backsfild. my name of Enya Mary Cat (patrimonial surname Macdowell). Such name was given me in honor of sacred, in which day I was born.

My childhood passed in a condition of bukhauld or as my grandfather Henry Macdowell liked to call this place, – the green valley.

Bukhauld was about the Western Wales. Locals spoke about an Anglo-Saxon-Celtic dialect (it is a little similar to the London English dialect).

The house represented the two-storeyed building. From a facade three stone columns are lifted. The house was very big. In it there were ten rooms, except for the room of servants. In us there were three servants, one of servants was called Syuzi Blekfod, the servant – Smith Richard Speiper, I don't remember a name of one more servant. At once behind the house of a stable were located. We had twelve horses.

My father was called James Uis-ler. Mother – Mary Megdela, mother's cousin – Jim Fox-ler. From the father I remember only the brother of the father, John who observed death of the father to France (Leon). More I didn't see it.

My elder brother was called Bruder Lincoln (26 years). Other brother – Richard Edward George (14 years). There was still a sister Siyulin. My parents were lost. In Atlantic I learned about their death from the aunt Helen (she lived to the south from London, it is probable there, there was its state, but I don't know how it is called). I at that time was four years old.

One night I woke up from bright light from a window. I saw the woman. It was my mother. She sang the song. Perhaps, this vision arose at the moment of her death or soon after that.

The priest serving in our churchlet was named Richard".
Besides, Natasha reports that she and her relatives had to visit friends. The owner was named Jim, the wife – Sara Megdela Sue, the son –
Lisli, the daughter – Cat Mary.
She go to India whe
re she lived very long. In one of temples (or in the monastery)she is more, than the half of the century worked on the book, using ancient Vedic sources. having arrived to England, she brought this book which gave to William Foksler. The covering of this quite thick book was from brown skin with metal fasteners. Natasha claims that the book can be found. Living a mature old age, Enya Mary Cat Macdowell died. Its grave at the estate.

Our compatriot Larisa Melenchuk living in London found the city in which Mrs. Macdowell – in the existing life Natalya Beketova was born and died!
Avtor:m. Rechkin 
Source: "Interesting newspaper. World unknown" No. 15 2009
Natalya Olegovna Beketova, 1979 of the birth 
Were present: Yankin Yu. G. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, the translator, the film director Kibkalo A. V. 
Texts of a number of inscriptions were issued to N. O. Beketova: 
1. The phaistos disc (XVIII century BC) on a Cretan-Mycenaean dialect. 

2. A ritual dagger (V century BC) on an Etruscan dialect. 
3. 14 inscriptions on the seals and bronze plates written on a dialect of the state of Mlekhkh (the Indus River, the XXX-XX centuries BC). 
4. The Alekanovsky inscription (the archeologist Gorodtsov, X century, near Ryazan). 
5. An inscription on a krivyansky baklazhka (The Smolensk province, IX century) 
On the 1st inscription (a phaistos disc , the party "And"), Beketova at first fluently read the text on-praslavyanski, then made the translation into Russian. Yu. G. Yankin compared it to the translation of professor Grinevich. OBVIOUS COINCIDENCE of the general maintenance of an inscription came to light. Transfer of the party "In" a disk gave the DIFFERENT CONTENT of treatments of Grinevich and Beketova recognized by the expert as two various options of reading. 

On the 2nd inscription (dagger) Yankin and Beketova's translations STRONGLY DIFFER. The expert defined the reason of a divergence of the translations consisting in various scoring of syllabic signs of the praslavyansky text. 
The translations of inscriptions 3 (the press and plates) coincide in the world outlook plan. The free word order in such texts in general gives a wide spacing in interpretations even at the same translator. 
Inscriptions the 4th and 5th in Grinevich and Beketova's translations DIDN'T COINCIDE. 
As a result of the carried-out tests Beketova's ability to read and understand praslavyansky texts of various dialects is confirmed (Etruscan, Cretan-Mycenaean, indsky). The expert considers that the ispytuyemy possesses gene memory, i.e. memory of the old ancestors owning writing in various languages. 
Signatures: Yu. Yankin and A. Kibkalo. 2001.