Buddhist teacher
A central theme is that enlightenment is always available, even in this very ordinary moment. It is something extraordinary that ordinary people can witness here and now, whenever we are ready. Spiritual awakening can happen to anyone at any time because it is not bound by culture or religion, and its possibility is our birthright.
Anam Thubten
Nirvana, or whatever you want to call it, means the complete deconstruction of all of our rigid mental patterns and
habits as well as the deconstruction of all of our limiting beliefs. This deconstruction creates a space for true inquiry.
When we open our hearts and our minds completely, we are in a place where we can experience something new, a new truth, a new reality, a miracle that we haven’t experienced in the past. We can see things differently and they present new, expanded opportunities, new horizons. Therefore an open mind is required. This is true not only in relationship to the truth but in relationship to everyday life as well.
Anam Thubten
Meditation is the only way we can experience this wisdom – no self, and when we experience it the experience is obviously very magical, life-transforming and then we are able to transcend all our problems and suffering right there on the spot. Once you have realization, then that’s it. The realization itself is not even meditation.
Anam Thubten
We can have everything. We don’t have to give up anything and at the same time we can’t get attached to anything. We have to remember that nonattachment is the only path to the great liberation. There isn’t any other way.
Anam Thubten
When we let go of everything we see that the space we wanted to create is already there. In the same way, inner contentment is already there and that is true happiness. There is no enlightenment other than that.
Anam Thubten
Unconditional happiness comes from this secret: surrender. Surrender is the act of loving and embracing the great unknown. Unconditional happiness comes from not running away from anything. It comes from taking even the most unfavorable circumstances as a path, a spiritual path, a truthful teaching.
Anam Thubten